public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tag php

February 2009

Issue 145913 - Netbeans 7.0 to support Symfony

"The news is that the Symfony support will be part of NetBeans 7.0. We are going to start work on it very soon. I hope that it will be a part of continual build this year and community can comment the support and work with us to finish it in the best possible quality and usability."

January 2009

Drag&Drop Nested Set Editor for Admin Generator « Redo the Office

by 2 others
A drag and drop nested set admin generator for Symfony using jQuery treeTable. I have implemented exactly the same thing two months ago for a personnal project, but have not had time to release the code for the moment :)

SfDT - Symfony Development Tools, Eclipse plugin for symfony

by 3 others
Coding in Symfony using Eclipse - actualy works with Eclipe 3.4 + PDT 2, even if only marked as working with Eclipse 3.3 and PDT 1.0.2.

The big list of current PHP development frameworks

50+ PHP5 frameworks reviewed. Very glad to see that the fastest framework of the history is in the list - I'll use randomly some of them if I have time to loose.

December 2008

Harmony Framework - PHP to javascript translation

Harmony translates your PHP code into javascript, in a way inspired by GWT.

PHP Code Conventions mit CodeSniffer und Subversion » Beitrag » Ronny's Blog

by 1 other
A simple guide on how to setup php code validation as a subversion pre-commit hook.

NetBeans for PHP : weblog

A small guide on using ANT within PHP projects developped using the Netbeans platform.

Recess! Framework

The Recess! Framework is built from the ground up to conform to the HTTP protocol. This makes REST a natural fit. From 100s to 505s, from GETs to PUTs, Recess! makes it straightforward for your web apps to play nice

symfony | Web PHP Framework | The Jobeet Tutorial

A set of 24 Symfony 1.2 tutorials, published day-by-day between December 1st and Christmas.

October 2008

Using the Zend Framework with Symfony 1.1 | MirthLab

by 3 others
How to easily use Zend classes from within the Symfony framework

Drupal Migraine

Drupal smells like hell. For instance, it is notnatively possible to develop freely on a test site while still allowing content updates to continue on a production site. This small script allows you to maintain separate test and production versions of your Drupal site. After you've made configuration changes on the test site, this script can migrate them to the production site for you. However, I'll pray while testing it :-)

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | firesymfonyPlugin | 1.0.2

This plugin extends the web debug toolbar to send the debug information as a JSON object to the FireSymfony Firebug extension.

firesymfony :: Firefox Add-ons

by 1 other
FireSymfony is a Symfony web debug toolbar for Firebug. This is the Firefox extension.

Obvious Hints: FireSymfony - A Firebug extension for symfony

by 1 other
Using Firebug for Symfony debug : a sfWebDebug extension combined with a Symfony extension.

September 2008

PHP CSRF protection class

by 1 other
This class adds CSRF protection to existing PHP applications that make use of PHP's session support for authentication. If you are writing an application from scratch you shouldn't use this; it's designed to protect legacy apps that were not built with CSRF in mind.

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin

by 1 other
My sfPropelActAsTaggable plugin finally found a fan on the Doctrine side...

August 2008


Firerift is a Template Independent CMS. This gives you complete freedom to design and code the way you want to. No restrictions.

Digitalus CMS - Home

by 2 others
A CMS based on the Zend framework

An alternative to sIFR: Facelift Image Replacement | Breathe new life into your web pages

by 13 others
Facelift Image Replacement (or FLIR, pronounced fleer) is an image replacement script that dynamically generates image representations of text on your web page in fonts that otherwise might not be visible to your visitors. The generated image will be automatically inserted into your web page via Javascript and visible to all modern browsers.

July 2008

sfTagtoolsPlugin - symfony - Trac

by 1 other
This plugin provides many additional services above and beyond those standard in the excellent sfPropelActAsTaggablePlugin. This plugin is less mature than sfPropelActAsTaggablePlugin but provides quite a bit of user interface "glue" to flesh it out.

PHP Frameworks für das Enterprise : - Ein Weblog rund um das Zend Framework

The white paper of Clever Age about PHP web frameworks meets some success in Germany.

PHP Frameworks für das Enterprise

Clever Age's whitepaper about PHP Web Frameworks gets promoted on

June 2008

Building Dashboards With PHP and Flex

Interactive graphs and dashboards have never been easy to put together on the web. Sure, there are graphing libraries out there for PHP, but to get something that looks really good and that a user can play with has been tough. Or at least, it was yesterday. Today, I show how to use a combination of PHP for the back end and Adobe Flex for the front end that will put interactive 3D within your grasp.

May 2008

Livre blanc : frameworks php pour l’entreprise

by 2 others
Forte d’une expérience éprouvée des frameworks PHP majeurs, Clever Age publie aujourd’hui un livre blanc au sujet des frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise.